Thursday, March 26, 2009

work/life/knitting balance

ok so i joined the club of all of you do-it-all’ers.

only i can’t seem to do it all. two weeks ago i started my career again and am learning again how to manage the work/life balance…. but to all of you who do it~ how do you manage to knit?!

i don’t even come home to hungry children & soccer practice and i still cant find the time.

but to make my day, my week, my month.. i got love from a dear friend supporting my decision to come out of retirement…

and i will make the time to knit something for her.

she is the best.

i love you leigh.


lunaticraft said...

I don't have any advice to give you, because I don't have kids to deal with, so I am not a do-it-aller, but I just want to say good luck with everything! =D

Fran said...

That must have been a tough decision. I would love to retire now. Somehow, you make things work because you have no choice. Sometimes, the knitting suffers and you have no choice because the work takes priority. I find red wine helps then. :)